Monday, December 12, 2011

Roasted Winter Squash and Turnip Soup

I'm still sick.

It's not cute anymore. No one wants to put up with my bullshit, not even me.

It wasn't cute to begin with.
Maybe it would have been cute if I was just flushed and had the vapors or something. Sinus infections aren't cute. Accidentally coughing on coworkers isn't cute. Having someone note that you "kind of sound like you're dying" isn't cute.

I'm sick of this bullshit, body. We've got some talking to do if you really think we can make this work.


1/2 Butternut Squash
1 medium turnip, peeled and quartered
1 medium potato, peeled and chopped
1/2 an onion
2 cups stock
2 cups water
1 tbsp olive oil

Feeds two lethargic, whiny Christina's
Inspired by, yet again, Love Soup

The ravioli is a spinach ricotta one Fresh and Easy. It was made of disappointment. Every time I tried to scoop it up with my spoon, it would fall off and splash soup everywhere. When I finally did manage to bite it, the filling fell out and splattered across the soup, my table and my face. 
Pasta and I have a mostly hate relationship. 

Preheat oven to 400. Toss turnip, squash with olive oil and place on a baking sheet. Roast until squash starts to collapse, and turnips are browned. 40+ minutes.
MEANWHILE Sweat the onions in olive oil in a pot. Add potatoes, stock, and then STOP AND MAKE THAT MOTHER FUCKING HAMMERTIME 
Seriously get that song out of my head. It's fucking terrible.
If the potatoes become tender before the roasting is done, add the turnip and squash flesh. When adding turnip and squash, add water if the existing liquid doesn't cover everything. Allow to cool and blend until smooth.  

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